准备自己的成功在当今复杂的全球市场与我们的多方面和可定制的工商管理学士学位. With a focus on putting sound business theory into practice in both for-profit and nonprofit arenas, this major equips you with the necessary skills for today's shared economy.
Building on a well-rounded foundation of core courses, you can choose from our 8 areas of specialization to focus your business degree:
Concordia's 工商经济学院 has made a difference in my life, 我非常感谢在过去四年中一直支持我的教职员工. 课本上的知识加上教授们的实际经验,对我未来的商业生涯有很大的帮助. I know that the financial and time investment into my education was definitely worth it, I will carry this experience with me as I transition into my career. 另外, 菲律宾十大网赌网站的教授们是我一生的导师和教练,随着我事业的发展,我将依赖他们. Thank you, Concordia 工商经济学院.
B.A. 工商管理、会计B.A. 工商管理、金融
The 工商经济学院 at CUI provides students with a well-rounded education; they teach students not only how to be successful, 但如何保持他们的道德, values and faith intact throughout their career.
当你研究商学院的时候, 你可能会注意到一些商业项目是由一些组织认可的,这些组织有很长的首字母缩写,比如 AACSB, IACBE, ACBSP. What is accreditation and why does it matter? 商学院寻求认证,以获得作为高等教育机构的质量保证, as well as to ensure an environment of continuous improvement. 康考迪亚商业与经济学院自愿选择与IACBE一起完成一个严格的过程,以评估我们商业项目的有效性. 你可以放心,在康考迪亚大学欧文分校,我们的目标是你的学术和职业成功.
瑞安·埃利斯 ’03 helped the Eagles win their first men’s basketball 国家 championship. Today, he is president of Travis Mathew, the hottest men's apparel brand for work and play.
很久以前, people would ask neighborhood kids for help with household chores—moving furniture, hanging pictures or watching children. 约书亚·蒙代尔,17岁, business graduate and current MBA student, wants to bring those days back—with an entrepreneurial twist.
Paul greve, 07年原始牧场创始人
保罗Greive left a steady job to start a pasture-raised chicken farm with his family. The business has found growing success in the past three years.
教育的价值体现在我们的毕业生在完成学位后所享受的成功. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的毕业生在许多行业中都受到尊重,他们找到了熟练的工作. Here are just a few of the places our alumni have recently been employed.
Today's employers are looking for applicants that work well with a team, are good at decision-making and have excellent 沟通 skills. 我们的 就业服务办事处, 业务部门, 与周围社区的关系为你提供了在课堂外练习这些技能的机会.
作为工商管理专业的学生, you can combine your business emphasis with an additional business emphasis (dual emphasis), 辅修相关业务, 另一个专业(双专业), 或者是专业预科Curriculum. 你也有机会在巴黎学习一年获得双学位,或者直接进入我们的MBACurriculum.
工商经济学院为你提供了许多参与校园活动的机会, 俱乐部, 和组织. 我们的学生也经常参加(并脱颖而出)与其他大学的商科学生在全国比赛.
每个攻读商科学士学位的学生都必须在毕业前完成实习. 康科迪亚与南加州的许多企业有着良好的合作关系. Below are just a few examples of where our students have interned.
在康考迪亚 , 您将受益于一套多样化的核心Curriculum,提供广泛的整体业务准备. You can then choose to focus your degree in a specialized area of emphasis. Many of our business students choose to incorporate multiple emphases in their major.
会计的基本要素以及收集和报告财务数据的方法将在本Curriculum中学习, including a study of financial statements, journalizing financial transactions, 营销活动, 房地产投资, plant and equipment; and depreciation as it applies to corporations. 前提条件:BUS 201.
本Curriculum使学生能够在影响个人和实体之间的协议和商业的法律领域进行事实性和分析性的思考, 但不限于, 合同, 侵权行为, 实体的形成, 机构, 不动产, estate and trusts and investor protection.
崔工商经济学院的实习有助于学生从学术理论过渡到现实生活中的商业实践,并建立专业网络. An internship related to a student's academic emphasis helps clarify goals, adds value to the CUI academic experience and opens doors to future employment. 该Curriculum提供了个人品牌发展的实践,以及追求实习和最终就业所需的技能,随后是校外实习. 学生在开始校外实习之前与实习主任会面,以获得建议和安置批准. 定期的学生报告和赞助企业的书面反馈是必需的,并且必须证明在实习期间获得的技能. Students must take a minimum cumulative total of two (2) units earned in one (1) unit credit hours. 作为合格/不合格Curriculum提供. Prerequisites: 业务 Major with Junior or Senior standing and MGT 321 and BUS 224.
This introductory course will look at the areas of planning, 组织, 人员配备, controlling with an emphasis on responsibility and authority, 授权和权力下放, line-staff relationship organization charting, 沟通, reaction to change Interpersonal skills, 动机, 领导, organizational resource management will also be studied. 先决条件:BUS 201和BUS 224. Recommended prerequisite: ECO 201 or ECO 202.
This is a survey course of marketing principles and theory. The course supports a practical applied approach to the marketing mix, 消费和工业市场, 市场研究, plus the challenges of the competitive marketplace. The course also includes an introduction to the issues of globalization. 前提条件:BUS 201. Recommended prerequisite: ECO 201 or ECO 202.
工商经济学院的教授会积极帮助你实现你的教育目标. 我们的Curriculum由Faculty开发和讲授,他们将课堂技巧与最佳商业实践相结合, 现实世界的经验, 也是基督教的道德, 道德, value perspective of 领导.
Professor Mark Francis’s involvement in local, 区域, 国家, 和国际体育管理使他在整个南加州的专业体育界取得了成功,并帮助他为包括洛杉矶天使队在内的学生获得了专业实习机会, 洛杉矶道奇队, 圣地亚哥教士队, 斯坦伯格体育 & 娱乐, 金童促销, 体育1市场营销, 洛杉矶银河队, 玫瑰碗, the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
Kim Chatani教授是一名兼职MBA教授,教授会计和金融本科Curriculum. 他的职业生涯令人印象深刻, 拥有丰富的经验,包括在知名机构担任多个高级职位,并为包括许多全球和大型企业在内的审计和咨询客户提供服务. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 注册欺诈审查员(CFE), Certified Internal 服务 Auditor (CISA), a Forensic Certified Public Accountant (FCPA). He is also a published author and expert on the topics of fraud and cyber-security.
One of our greatest assets 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 is our dedicated faculty. 在一个小的学习环境, 我们的教授关心你——不仅仅是你的表现——他们与他们所教的学生建立终身的师徒关系.
Learn more about Concordia's 工商经济学院 from the student handbook.
有关康考迪亚大学欧文分校许多奖励教育项目的更多信息, we invite you to contact us directly.
请提供您的联系方式, one of our admissions counselors will be happy to send you more information about our programs.
Attend an information meeting online or face-to-face. We will discuss the application process, financial aid, payment plans, more.
美国啦啦队和特技组合 9月14日,早上7点 中大体育馆(体育馆)
你准备好开始了吗? 我们的 online application is available 24/7. Begin your journey now and hear from a counselor once you finish.